plotter.php - generate a dmon history plot
Usage : plotter.php Params : HOST : target host SHOW : target host's shortname WRKR : target host's worker ; usually <HOST> COLS : target item IVAL : target interval KIND : target item's kind SERV : hostname server DEBUG : debug-flag ; default 0
PHP-script plotter.php generates a png-plot (graph) of the history-data of some HOST's item (specified as COLS) for some interval IVAL.
The script first retrieves the data for HOST.
If the script runs on the server (SERV == localhost
it can send a HIST
command to WRKR (usually HOST) ;
otherwise, it has to issue a CLIENT
command to the server.
With the data, the plot is generated using jpgraph.
IF/when argument DEBUG
is true, plotter.php generates debug text,
instead of a png
CGI-script gen-dmon-page generates plotter.php IMG-refs.
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