file classification | count |
AMF Module Title: ":Perl: Flash Remoting in Perl. " authors/id/S/SI/SIMONF/AMF-Perl-0.10.readme |
6 |
AMF Module Title: "Connection version 0.10" authors/id/A/AR/AREGGIORI/AMF-Connection-0.10.readme |
1 |
AMF Module Title: "Connection" authors/id/A/AR/AREGGIORI/AMF-Connection-0.20.readme |
5 |
ASCII C program text authors/id/A/AG/AGOLOMSH/Time-HR-0.01.readme |
150 |
ASCII C++ program text authors/id/A/AB/ABERGMAN/Attribute-Handlers-0.78.readme |
3114 |
ASCII C++ program text, with CR, LF line terminators authors/id/M/MA/MAXICO/ZM-Template-0.1.2.readme |
1 |
ASCII C++ program text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABALAMA/MPMinus-1.17.readme |
118 |
ASCII C++ program text, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/D/DS/DSTAAL/Pod-Simple-Wiki-Wikka-0.09.readme |
5 |
ASCII C++ program text, with overstriking authors/id/J/JE/JESSE/Template-Declare-0.20.readme |
8 |
ASCII C++ program text, with very long lines authors/id/A/AI/AINAME/Data-Paging-0.01.readme |
13 |
ASCII C++ program text, with very long lines, with no line terminators authors/id/V/VE/VELTZER/Meta-0.08.readme |
1 |
ASCII English text authors/id/A/AA/AADLER/Games-LogicPuzzle-0.10.readme |
83511 |
ASCII English text, with CR line terminators authors/id/D/DA/DAMOG/WWW-Tumblr-5.1.readme |
65 |
ASCII English text, with CR, LF line terminators authors/id/H/HA/HASSEILY/DBIx-HA-0.54.readme |
7 |
ASCII English text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AA/AARONJJ/Image-Processor-0.6.readme |
3760 |
ASCII English text, with CRLF line terminators, with overstriking authors/id/M/MY/MYNEID/PhotoIndex-1.20.readme |
1 |
ASCII English text, with CRLF, CR, LF line terminators authors/id/C/CJ/CJONES/LIMS-MT_Plate-1.17.readme |
3 |
ASCII English text, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABBYPAN/List-Permutor-Repeat-0.01.readme |
252 |
ASCII English text, with CRLF, NEL line terminators authors/id/J/JL/JLISHEV/Errors-1.00.readme |
2 |
ASCII English text, with escape sequences authors/id/F/FE/FERZ/Conductrics-Agent-0.002.readme |
10 |
ASCII English text, with escape sequences, with overstriking authors/id/A/AL/ALEXP/Catalyst-Model-Proxy-0.04.readme |
5 |
ASCII English text, with no line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABW/XML-Schema-0.07.readme |
15 |
ASCII English text, with overstriking authors/id/A/AA/AANARI/WebService-Lob-0.0104.readme |
103 |
ASCII English text, with very long lines authors/id/A/AA/AASSAD/WebService-Face-0.04.readme |
1060 |
ASCII English text, with very long lines, with CR line terminators authors/id/D/DI/DIVERDI/Mac-Serial_v1.007.readme |
1 |
ASCII English text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AR/ARCOLF/Math-Fractal-DLA-0.20.readme |
50 |
ASCII English text, with very long lines, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/C/CJ/CJONES/DBIx-Compare-ContentChecksum-mysql-1.3d.readme |
3 |
ASCII English text, with very long lines, with no line terminators authors/id/J/JZ/JZUCKER/DBD-File-0.34.readme |
2 |
ASCII English text, with very long lines, with overstriking authors/id/A/AO/AOCINAR/elmtag-1.1.39.readme |
2 |
ASCII HTML document text authors/id/B/BO/BOBTFISH/Catalyst-Plugin-Params-Nested-0.03.readme |
28 |
ASCII HTML document text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/Y/YA/YANOTHER/srcat-0.02.readme |
1 |
ASCII HTML document text, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/H/HO/HOLLY/HTML-EscapeEvil-0.01.readme |
3 |
ASCII Java program text authors/id/A/AD/ADAMJS/App-CharmKit-2.06.readme |
182 |
ASCII Java program text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AC/ACALPINI/Win32-API-0.20.readme |
7 |
ASCII Java program text, with very long lines authors/id/K/KT/KTAT/Util-Any-0.24.readme |
3 |
ASCII PO (gettext message catalogue) text authors/id/A/AU/AUDREYT/Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-0.66.readme |
14 |
ASCII assembler program text authors/id/N/NE/NEILW/Inline-ASM-0.02.readme |
2 |
ASCII make commands text authors/id/E/ER/ERYQ/ExtUtils-TBone-1.124.readme |
2 |
ASCII news text authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS/POE-Component-Server-NNTP-1.06.readme |
8 |
ASCII text authors/id/A/AA/AANOAA/Hubot-0.0.8.readme |
2685 |
ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABALAMA/MPMinusX-AuthSsn-1.00.readme |
126 |
ASCII text, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/B/BE/BEATNIK/Pod-PalmDoc-0.0.2.readme |
1 |
ASCII text, with no line terminators authors/id/B/BA/BATKINS/DBX-0.1.readme |
31 |
ASCII text, with very long lines authors/id/H/HK/HKOBA/MOP4Import-Declare-0.004.readme |
2 |
ESP archive data authors/id/J/JJ/JJORE/ESPPlus-Storage-0.01.readme |
1 |
FORTRAN program authors/id/A/AG/AGENT/PerlMaple-0.04.readme |
231 |
HTML document text authors/id/A/AL/ALLENDAY/DBD-iPod-0.01.readme |
28 |
ISO-8859 C program text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/S/SO/SOFTDIA/Data-Str2Num-0.06.readme |
2 |
ISO-8859 C++ program text authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Aspect-Library-Profiler-0.32.readme |
63 |
ISO-8859 C++ program text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/S/SO/SOFTDIA/Data-Secs2-0.09.readme |
3 |
ISO-8859 C++ program text, with very long lines authors/id/A/AS/ASNMTAP/ASNMTAP-3.000020.readme |
2 |
ISO-8859 English text authors/id/A/AB/ABRAXXA/DBIx-Class-0.08195.readme |
1203 |
ISO-8859 English text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABALAMA/App-MBUtiny-1.08.readme |
129 |
ISO-8859 English text, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/B/BR/BRIAC/WWW-Search-Pagesjaunes-0.06.readme |
9 |
ISO-8859 English text, with overstriking authors/id/P/PE/PENGAS/Logger.0.34.readme |
6 |
ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines authors/id/A/AG/AGENT/Test-Nginx-0.25.readme |
18 |
ISO-8859 English text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/K/KA/KAILI/Workflow-Wfmc-0.01e.readme |
2 |
ISO-8859 HTML document text authors/id/A/AS/ASNMTAP/ASNMTAP-3.002003.readme |
3 |
ISO-8859 Java program text authors/id/S/SR/SRSHAH/Test-Distribution-1.08.readme |
26 |
ISO-8859 Java program text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/S/SO/SOFTDIA/File-Package-0.06.readme |
1 |
ISO-8859 news text authors/id/B/BI/BINGOS/POE-Component-Server-NNTP-1.04.readme |
1 |
ISO-8859 text authors/id/A/AM/AMBS/String/String-Tokeniser-0.05.readme |
21 |
ISO-8859 text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABALAMA/App-DistSync-1.03.readme |
3 |
ISO-8859 text, with very long lines authors/id/D/DE/DESPAIR/Template-Context-Cacheable-0.02.readme |
2 |
LaTeX 2e document text authors/id/C/CH/CHTTRAX/listing-2.24.readme |
1 |
LaTeX document text authors/id/S/SC/SCHUBIGER/LaTeX-Pod-0.21.readme |
1 |
Linux Software Map entry text authors/id/A/AO/AOCINAR/majarc-1.1.4.readme |
6 |
Lisp/Scheme program text authors/id/J/JJ/JJORE/perl-lint-mode-0.02.readme |
6 |
Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode English text, with CRLF, CR line terminators authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/HTTP-ParseParams-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Little-endian UTF-16 Unicode text, with CRLF, CR line terminators authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Text-Markdown-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Macromedia Flash data, version 45 authors/id/N/NA/NATELEWIS/FWS-Lite-0.004.readme |
4 |
Microsoft Document Imaging Format authors/id/S/SA/SANFACE/epd2svg-1.0.readme |
1 |
NetStumbler log file, 1194998386 stations found authors/id/C/CH/CHSTROSS/NetServer-Generic-1.02.readme |
1 |
NetStumbler log file, 1345993330 stations found authors/id/J/JP/JPRIT/NetServer-Portal-1.07.readme |
3 |
NetStumbler log file, 1852134202 stations found authors/id/S/SG/SGRAY/NetSNMP-Sendmail-0.95.readme |
1 |
NetStumbler log file, 1885434452 stations found authors/id/H/HA/HARDAKER/NetSNMP-TrapReceiver-5.0301.readme |
3 |
NetStumbler log file, 542134349 stations found authors/id/R/RA/RATTLER/NetSDS-SMPP-1.2.readme |
2 |
NetStumbler log file, 762471788 stations found authors/id/S/SS/SSCOTTO/NetStumbler-Mappoint-0.01.readme |
9 |
Netpbm PBM "rawbits" image data, size = 2007 x 2007 authors/id/S/SR/SRVANCE/P4-Server-0.11.1.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PGM "rawbits" image data, size = 31 x 12 authors/id/C/CH/CHROMATIC/P5NCI-0.31.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PGM image text, size = 0 x 0 authors/id/K/KL/KLIMKIN/P2P-pDonkeyS-0.01.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PGM image text, size = 2002 x 0 authors/id/K/KL/KLIMKIN/P2P-pDonkey-0.01.readme |
3 |
Netpbm PGM image text, size = 2003 x 0 authors/id/K/KL/KLIMKIN/P2P-pDonkey-0.04.readme |
2 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Compress-Zlib-Raw-0.000.001.readme |
3 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data, size = 1 x 0 authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Net-AMQP-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data, size = 3 x 2 authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Net-POP3-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data, size = 4 x 4 authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Net-DNS-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data, size = 5 x 1080 authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Net-SOCKS-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data, size = 6 x 220 authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Net-SMTP-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Netpbm PPM "rawbits" image data, size = 64 x 64 authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Digest-HMAC-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text authors/id/A/AS/ASHLEY/DBICx-MaterializedPath-0.03.readme |
25 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/C/CA/CARLADLER/tandem-perl.readme |
15 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with CRLF, NEL line terminators authors/id/A/AB/ABALAMA/App-MonM-1.04.readme |
2 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with LF, NEL line terminators authors/id/M/MT/MTL/WebService-Recruit-Eyeco-0.0.1.readme |
1 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with very long lines authors/id/R/RO/ROHITBASU/OTRS/OTRS-Kernel-System-MultilevelEscalation-1.0.1.readme |
1 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/R/RO/ROHITBASU/OPM/MultEsc-1.0.1-SOPM-OPM-FORMAT.readme |
1 |
Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/I/IC/ICHE/ppm/56/PowerBuilder-ORCA-0.03.readme |
2 |
OS/2 REXX batch file text authors/id/A/AB/ABIGAIL/Acme-MathProfessor-RandomPrime-2009121001.readme |
501 |
POSIX shell script text executable authors/id/D/DE/DEDMEDVED/cheburashka.readme |
1 |
POSIX tar archive (GNU) authors/id/Z/ZL/ZLIPTON/Devel-Tinderclient-1.4.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "2001/01/17" authors/id/K/KI/KIMURA/Digest-MD5-2.12-bin-2-Mac.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "2001/03/17" authors/id/K/KI/KIMURA/Digest-MD5-2.13-bin-1-Mac.readme |
2 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "Compress::DSRC" authors/id/V/VO/VOLKENING/Compress-DSRC-0.002.readme |
2 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "GetRc - A Module for reading co" authors/id/K/KO/KOZO/GetRc-0.23.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "Marpa" authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/Marpa-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "NAME" authors/id/G/GO/GOZER/X-Osd-0.02.readme |
8 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "Text/WordDiff version 0.06" authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/Text-WordDiff-0.06.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "Text/WordDiff version 0.07" authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/Text-WordDiff-0.07.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "Text/WordDiff version 0.08" authors/id/D/DW/DWHEELER/Text-WordDiff-0.08.readme |
1 |
Palm OS dynamic library data "This module provides a way of c" authors/id/M/MA/MATTN/Devel-CheckLib-1.00.readme |
21 |
PalmOS application "" authors/id/B/BE/BEROV/Mojolicious-Plugin-DSC-1.006.readme |
1 |
PalmOS application "=pod" authors/id/S/SH/SHAW/Mojolicious-Command-secret-0.01.readme |
2 |
PalmOS application "Animated JPEG" authors/id/C/CL/CLIPLAND/Image-Animated-JPEG-0.01.readme |
1 |
PalmOS application "NAME" authors/id/A/AL/ALEXMV/Plack-Middleware-Test-StashWarnings-0.06.readme |
22 |
Par archive data authors/id/R/RS/RSCHUPP/PAR-Repository-0.21.readme |
8 |
Perl POD document text authors/id/A/AB/ABELTJE/Test-Smoke-1.70.readme |
1057 |
Perl5 module source text authors/id/A/AW/AWIN/PerlQt-2.102.readme |
272 |
Python script text executable authors/id/I/IN/INGY/Error-errors-0.04.readme |
16 |
Quake I or II world or extension authors/id/D/DA/DACONTI/Data-Generate-0.01.readme |
2 |
Rich Text Format data, version 1, ANSI authors/id/M/MB/MBARBON/Mac-QuickBundle-0.03.readme |
1 |
Ruby module source text authors/id/G/GF/GFUJI/Text-Md2Inao-0.07.readme |
5 |
SAS authors/id/A/AC/ACCA/SAS-TRX-0.05.readme |
3 |
TI-XX Graphing Calculator (FLASH) authors/id/B/BE/BEROV/DBIx-Simple-Class-1.009.readme |
4 |
TTComp archive data authors/id/D/DI/DIVERDI/Mac-Serial_v1.006.readme |
1 |
TeX document text authors/id/N/NI/NIKOSV/Archive-Unrar-3.0.readme |
11 |
UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) English text authors/id/M/MB/MBP/Image-BoxModel-0.50.readme |
8 |
UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) English text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/D/DO/DOLMEN/Win32-App-which-1.030.readme |
1 |
UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) English text, with very long lines authors/id/D/DB/DBMOLESTA/CopyTree-VendorProof-0.0013.readme |
2 |
UTF-8 Unicode (with BOM) text authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/URI-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
UTF-8 Unicode C program text authors/id/I/IN/INGY/JS-Test-Base-0.16.readme |
33 |
UTF-8 Unicode C program text, with very long lines authors/id/T/TA/TAKASAGO/Text-Sprintf-Zenkaku-0.05.readme |
5 |
UTF-8 Unicode C++ program text authors/id/A/AG/AGENT/UML-Class-Simple-0.19.readme |
329 |
UTF-8 Unicode C++ program text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/S/SA/SANKO/Solution-v0.9.1.readme |
1 |
UTF-8 Unicode C++ program text, with very long lines authors/id/A/AG/AGENT/UML-Class-Simple-0.20.readme |
9 |
UTF-8 Unicode English text authors/id/A/AB/ABBYPAN/BBS-DiscuzX2-0.01.readme |
5968 |
UTF-8 Unicode English text, with CRLF line terminators authors/id/A/AG/AGENT/WWW-Baidu-0.03.readme |
30 |
UTF-8 Unicode English text, with CRLF, LF line terminators authors/id/L/LO/LOSYME/POE-Component-ICal-0.130020.readme |
1 |
UTF-8 Unicode English text, with overstriking authors/id/A/AL/ALEXMV/GnuPG-Interface-0.50.readme |
20 |
UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines authors/id/A/AG/AGENT/Makefile-GraphViz-0.21.readme |
155 |
UTF-8 Unicode HTML document text authors/id/J/JO/JONASBN/Workflow-1.38.readme |
2 |
UTF-8 Unicode HTML document text, with very long lines authors/id/C/CO/COVINGTON/Log-Reproducible-v0.12.3.readme |
8 |
UTF-8 Unicode Java program text authors/id/A/AU/AUDREYT/use-0.01.readme |
11 |
UTF-8 Unicode PO (gettext message catalogue) text authors/id/K/KO/KOCEASY/Dancer-Plugin-I18N-0.20.readme |
6 |
UTF-8 Unicode text authors/id/A/AA/AAYARS/Math-Fractal-Noisemaker-0.105.readme |
301 |
UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines authors/id/D/DF/DFARRELL/Geo-libpostal-0.04.readme |
5 |
VISX image file authors/id/C/CA/CAUGUSTIN/UUID-Tiny-1.03.readme |
3 |
X1 archive data authors/id/A/AG/AGRICOCB/X11-WM-Sawfish-0.02.readme |
52 |
XHTML document text (version 1.0) authors/id/B/BH/BHEISIG/RT-Extension-ReferenceIDoitObjects-0.94.readme |
5 |
XML 1.0 document text authors/id/M/MW/MWS/ResourcePool-Resource-SOAP-Lite-1.0103.readme |
1 |
a /usr/bin/env perl script text executable authors/id/G/GU/GUGOD/Markapl-0.14.readme |
2 |
a /usr/bin/less script text executable authors/id/S/SA/SAMSK/passwd_exp-1.2.11.readme |
1 |
a /usr/bin/perl script text executable authors/id/A/AW/AWNCORP/Scrappy-0.592.readme |
8 |
a /usr/bin/perl\015 script text executable authors/id/A/AW/AWNCORP/Scrappy-0.591-withoutworldwriteables.readme |
7 |
data authors/id/A/AJ/AJOLMA/Geo-Shapelib-0.20.readme |
10 |
diff output text authors/id/A/AI/AIVATURI/Selenium-Remote-Driver-0.14.readme |
40 |
empty authors/id/A/AB/ABIGAIL/Games-Word-Wordlist-SGB-2010091501.readme |
341 |
exported SGML document text authors/id/V/VD/VDB/Systemd-Daemon-0.05.readme |
2 |
news text authors/id/H/HD/HDP/Path-Router-0.04.readme |
4 |
perl Storable (v0.6) data (net-order 45) (network-ordered) authors/id/P/PS/PSIXDISTS/Perl6/PerlStore-0.000.001.readme |
1 |
raw G3 data authors/id/C/CN/CNANDOR/cpan-mac-0.50.readme |
1 |
troff or preprocessor input text authors/id/C/CM/CMO/Config-Validate-0.2.1.readme |
4 |
unified diff output text authors/id/C/CW/CWRL/Image-XFace-0.1.readme |
3 |
very short file (no magic) authors/id/G/GG/GGOLDBACH/App-autotest-0.006.readme |
19 |